
Easy Facebook Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses in 2022

Easy Facebook Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses in 2022

Facebook Marketing is booming in a big way.

It is very rare for a Facebook user to go by without scrolling through Facebook feeds every day. According to Digital Marketing Research, 66% of Facebook users log in on their smartphones or desktop daily. With over 1.785 billion active Facebook users, marketers need to get smarter to take advantage of Facebook Marketing Ideas to grow their audience and small or mid-sized business.

Facebook marketing can be tricky for a small-sized business, but nothing is impossible!

Smart and easy Facebook marketing may alone take your business to the next level.

So, before we dive deep into the ocean of success strategies let’s understand two main WH questions related to Facebook Marketing – What and Why


What is Facebook marketing for small businesses?


Facebook marketing for small businesses

Facebook is a social media platform that allows small businesses to market their services and products to their users on Facebook. Facebook marketing can be done through organic strategies (Free strategies) and targeted strategies (paid strategies).

Firstly, Facebook’s marketing plan follows organic strategies to develop the user base and brand value of the company without any investment. Once a considerable amount of user base is reached, the second step is to utilize paid Facebook marketing strategies such as targeted ads.


Why use Facebook marketing for small businesses?

Facebook Marketing is an effective tool to improve your customers and businesses exponentially. Facebook marketing provides an opening for companies to interact with users/customers. People can learn more about the products, services, and organizations on social media platforms. Facebook is the biggest social networking platform which provides the opportunity for businesses to build and maintain relations with the users.

So, it is important to “Make connections that matter

To help you out in the crowded social media market, I’ve put together a comprehensive list of Facebook marketing ideas as given below.

    • Common Facebook Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses.
    • Free Facebook Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses.
    • Paid Facebook Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses.


Common Facebook Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses

1. Create and optimize your company page – If you are looking forward to building up a social media presence on Facebook then there’s some groundwork to do. You need to create and optimize your Facebook page to translate your Facebook likes into actual clicks and conversions.

optimize company page


2. Work on Page Details – Particularly in the world of business appearance can speak volumes, that is why it is important to pay attention to the UI (User Interface) of your company page.

 Work on Page Details


3. Add a profile picture with your brand logo – An updated, professional and consistent profile picture that represents your brand name looks more organized. It develops the right impression on your audience.

4. Enable custom URL or “Username” – Username helps people to find and remember your page. When you create a username for your company, it appears in a customized web address for your Facebook page. It helps your page to rank higher and also helps people to find your page easily with that username.

edit page info

5. Always add a “Description” – Never leave the company about us section blank. Use all the 250 characters to write about your company. Original content helps to build page rank.

edit page description

6. Add your website – A website is self-explanatory. It helps you to build your company’s reputation.

7. Create a Community business page and Facebook group – The main idea behind creating a Facebook community page and group is to provide like-minded people with a platform for live conversations, discussions, and sharing information based on their interests.

Create a Community business page and Facebook group


For example, Users interested in Tour and Travel’s topic would be very much interested to join a Tours and Travels Facebook community or a group rather than a community or a group discussing Facebook Marketing Strategies.

Anybody can join, post, invite new members, hold discussions, and share information on the group.

  • Running a contest or a giveaway with a tempting offer helps you increase engagement rates and grow audiences in your group.
  • Target specific audiences on Facebook – Selecting audiences based on what and where you are selling your products can be an impressive strategy in Facebook marketing for small businesses. If your audience selection is broad it requires a large budget. ALERT! If you go too specific this strategy can backfire on you. Let’s say, for example, if you are promoting a childcare brand, you might first want to check the family status of Facebook audiences. Small businesses on a budget can use smart ideas to cut costs and still reach their target audiences and build the business.


Free Facebook Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses

Today, the Facebook marketing channel is a platform where you have to pay to play. Small Businesses on a low budget are still using Facebook to market.

Does it work? The answer is YES!

You can still leverage Facebook to promote your business for FREE! FREE! FREE!

Here are some free Facebook marketing ideas that support small business owners to “breathe a sigh of relief”.

1. Provide consistent and quality posts with user intent – According to studies, you should post the finest content to your Facebook page 2-3 times a week.

Provide consistent and quality posts with user intent

Consistency and quality are the mantras for success in social media” Facebook page posting every 30 minutes is a thing of the past. It doesn’t work for Small or average businesses. If are you posting too often you may experience a drop-in engagement rate. Think logically and always post when your audience is online and most interactive. For example, if you are a local business in India, you should focus on the times when people in India are awake.

2. Provide solution-based primary text – Solution-based approach is a strategy for transforming business objectives and goals into a plan. How does a content strategy align with a small business objective?

Provide solution-based primary text

The answer is simple, understand the search intent of users, if you fail to persuade your audience then you are missing out!

Your audience wants

To learn something new

To find solutions to their problems

To do better work

To reach their goals

Focus on these four pointers to reach your business objectives.

3. Use of the call to action button – The call to action (CTA) button plays important role in boosting your conversion rate. It is a clickable element on a website, email, blog post, or Facebook page that appeals to users and redirects visitors to an offer. You might have seen a lot of different call-to-action buttons about anywhere on a website. Here are some most commonly used CTA buttons:

      • Call Now
      • Add to Cart
      • Download Now
      • Read More
      • Sign up


Take your time to develop your button. Quality CTA buttons help to increase the conversion rate and sales.

4. Post consistent blog posts on Facebook -“Consistency and content are the keys to growth in social media”.

Post at consistent blog posts on Facebook

Post content that your followers want to read. Understand how to often post, what to post, when to post & what type of content to post. Creating a posting schedule can help you improve your engagement rate.

5. Use of Hashtags in Facebook – Facebook’s search is not as good as Google’s search, but it still has the potential to find you there. A hashtag (#) helps your followers to find a post relevant to their interest and interact with other users who share the same interest by joining the discussion on Facebook groups or communities.

For example, let’s take #FacebookMarketingPlan. Using that hashtag in your Facebook posts can land new people on your page who are searching for the same hashtag in your Facebook search.

6. Market your services – On social media platforms like Facebook, you might want to post the finest content so that it is good enough to impress your audience and build your service-based Business.

Never miss a chance when you get to market your services. You can also add a service section on your Facebook page.

7. Offer discounts – Offering discounts is one of the easiest marketing tools to grow your business on social media. Offers and discounts are attractive to customers.

Offer discounts

It not only helps you to bring new clients but also helps to bring back previous customers. Especially on social media, word-of-mouth traffic can increase your sales and business exponentially.


Paid Facebook Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses

Facebook’s paid ads are a useful marketing tool that allows businesses to Facebook’s paid campaigns. Facebook’s active user count in the year 2022 is over 6+ billion, with India having a number (of 251 million) Facebook users. So, using Facebook marketing packages you can reach half of the world’s population.

1. Set priorities and business goals – This is one of the fundamental parts of a Business plan. Check where is your business now … and where you want to take it. A clear vision can help you to prioritize time to focus on your plan promotion budget and achieve your business objective.

2. Create advertising strategiesAdvertising is persuasion! Advertisements are used to increase awareness about your newly launched company and persuade target customers to buy your product or services and you’re your business.

3. Decide your Audience – Facebook automatically shows your ads to the audience who are most likely to find your ads relevant. You can further target your audiences with 3 audience selection tools.

    • Core audiences are based on criteria such as age, location, and interests.
    • Custom audiences are people who engaged with your business either online or offline.
    • Lookalike audiences are people with similar interests.


4. Set Facebook ads budget – Pay to promote only your best content. Spend a low budget on your Facebook ads and prevent the risk of your marketing budget vanishing into thin air without even achieving your conversions.

Don’t let your Superstar content fade away, boosted content will still resonate with a larger audience if it did well earlier.

Caution! “go-easy on your pocket

5. Market Facebook event – During occasions or even as a regular part of your Facebook marketing strategy, you can host an event to connect with your customers to give them an unforgettable experience. Hosting an event means an investment of time, effort, and money.

Let’s understand how to get started, it is a 6 steps plan:

Step 1. Create an event on your Facebook business page

Step 2. Choose a video or image

Step 3. Name your event

Step 4.  Fill in all details (time, location, date, description)

Step 5. Choose the Frequency of the event

Step 6. Promote your event organically


    • Add co-hosts to increase distribution and response rate
    • Boost that event on Facebook Business Group
    • Turn events into an ad that converts


6.  A/B testing – The A/B test is a process of comparing two different campaigns to check which one has the better This technique is used to find out which ads design (ad headline, body copy, CTA button ) performs well to attract your target audience to boost conversion rates on a landing page.

7. Track performance metrics – A Small business owner might want to keep an eye on the performance of the business which includes sales, customer satisfaction, warehouse efficiency, and so on.

Data which includes activities, employee behavior, and productivity is used to track processes within the business by the employer to track performance metrics. It provides valuable information to plan strategies, grow business and increase profits.

Performance metrics are divided into four groups:

    • Business Performance – It provides access to how your business is performing in the Sales, marketing department, and profitability.
    • Sales performance – It provides access to measure performance in the sales department. It measures total revenue and customer reach.
    • Project management– It measures the profitability of various projects and provides insight into how to make projects even more efficient.
    • Employee performance- It is obvious that if your employees are performing as per the standards set, then your business will grow; but if their performance is poor, then your business might suffer.

It is important to track your employee’s performance by the quality, efficiency, and productivity of their work.

A Business that performs well, is a business that grows well


I know, I know: there’s still so much to learn when it comes to Facebook marketing. But the good news is you have a fair amount of knowledge to get started now.

So, look no further. Start here, start now.

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How to do Keyword Research for SEO - The Ultimate Guide in 2022

How to do Keyword Research for SEO – The Ultimate Guide in 2022

The keyword is “KEY” to drive truly qualified leads to your website. Keyword  Research in SEO helps you to reach business goals like getting more pageviews,  higher ranking on search engines, capturing potential leads, and so on.  

In this guide, you will learn one of the important concepts of SEO – Keyword  Research 

If you are a beginner then this guide is for you. Read on to learn every aspect of keyword research in search engine optimization

It is important to define what you want to achieve before you begin. So today my  goal is to define: 

  1. What is Keyword Research? 
  2. Importance of Keyword Research
  3. Benefits of Keyword Research
  4. How to Perform Keyword Research for SEO? 

Now let’s begin… 


What is a Keyword Research for SEO? 


Keyword Research

Keyword research is the process of finding focus keywords to drive more traffic to your business. It provides insight into the search data that your target  audience is looking for on the Google search engine, which helps you to understand 

What searchers are searching on search engines? 

How many searchers are looking for it? 

Let me simplify it for you,  

Imagine you are planning to publish a blog of pasta recipes, where you want to write on topics like – 

Pasta recipe step by step | Easy recipes

Pasta recipes with white sauce | Simple Italian recipes 

Easy pasta recipes | Recipes for beginners;

but you are unsure how these blogs are going to drive traffic

So, if you want to drive good traffic then you need to take care in choosing the right keyword to get the right traffic. 

This all starts with keyword research. 


What is the Importance of Keyword Research for SEO?


 Importance of Keyword Research

Keyword research is one of the most important steps in search engine optimization for getting the right traffic to your website. The difference between a website getting millions of traffic through an organic search channel and those getting no traffic at all are the keywords you employ in the content. If you don’t pay attention to this factor, it is sure you will miss the mark on your market. 

If you are still asking, why keywords research?  

Let me simplify it a little more for you, 

Say that you are writing a lot of different topics around Pasta recipes, but you are not sure about how your blogs will drive traffic.  

For example

Someone wants to make a pasta recipe so he goes online and searches for “Best pasta recipes” or “Red sauce pasta recipes” on his smartphone and the search engine shows him results. But your page is not listed on the first page of the search engine page results.  

“Easy pasta recipes | Recipes for beginners “may not be the right choice of keywords for your pasta recipe blog. 

Generally, people do not go past the first page on the search engine page results.  So, the aim of a blogger is to get to the top position on SERPs.

So, Hey! 

You need to find the best keywords to align it to your content and find out what the target audience is searching for online. 

That’s the idea why we would do Keyword Research for SEO.  


Benefits of Keyword Research for SEO


Benefits of Keyword Research

If you have a website, but you are unaware of what people are looking for online will leave your business stranded in a desert of inactivity. 

This issue is solved by researching keywords. 

So, let’s understand the importance of keywords in SEO. Here are a few benefits of  Keyword research. 

    • Gives You Direction

When you start researching keywords, this gives you more focus and direction.

For example, if you are writing a food blog, you may have an idea about what you are going to write. But you must focus more on what people want to read. This will help you to understand people’s reading interests. 

    • Makes you find new topics

If you have a topic in mind keyword research helps you expand. 

    • Gets you the best listing in search engine

Proper research on keywords can help you to choose low-competition keywords with the highest chance of being listed.

    • Helps you to target the right audience

When you build a website, you need the right traffic to be successful in your business. A good keyword search will help you gain the right audience. 

    • Gives you life skills

Learning about the dynamics of researching keywords can never go in vain. All these topics you’re learning are going to help you throughout the journey of your life. Once you learn to find the right keyword, you can employ it for any website or business.


How to do Keyword Research for SEO?

Now that we have understood what keywords are, let’s learn how to do Keyword research. 

Firstly, understand that you can look for keywords in all those places where people do searches – 

  •  Google

 It is the most commonly used search engine by people to search for queries online. Google search provides actively searched queries that can help you to get the most targeted keywords. 



For example, let’s say for a search query “simple pasta recipes” you get a  list of suggestions by Google search engine. You can use these keywords to align it with your blogs, if the content is good there is a chance to rank in the top position. 

Let’s also know about Google’s LSI keywords (Latent Semantic Indexing)  which help to deeply understand the content on the webpage. LSI  keywords are texts or phrases closely related to your search topic. 

For example, imagine that you just published a blog about “Ice-cream recipes”. 

Google will not only scan your page to find the term “Ice-cream recipes” in your title tag and your content; but it will also scan your page for terms like  (“Ice”, “cold”, “milk”, and “cream”, “dessert”). 

When they find all these related keywords in your content, they believe that this page is about the topic of ice-cream recipes.

A recent Google Research Paper says that semantically-related terms help to determine a page’s topic. 

  •   YouTube 

YouTube is not a search engine, but if it was a search engine it would rank 2nd most popular search engine after Google. Billions of hours of videos are watched on YouTube every day, so many people go to YouTube to get an idea about what kind of content is being searched for and consumed. 



  •  Quora

Forums where people post a question and hold discussions are the best sources to discover “long-tail keywords”. You can search for the term – “Keyword Research” and check how many questions have been listed out by people who are seeking answers to their questions. You can list these questions and discover “long-tail keywords”. 



  •  Google Keyword Planner

It is a free tool that allows you to discover important keywords and find data for keywords like estimated monthly search numbers, competition, and ad pricing.

Google Keyword Planner


Usually, this tool is used by marketers to identify keywords for their running ads, but you can discover the right keywords by using this amazing tool. 

Paid tools like Ahref, SEMrush, Keyword Insights, Keyword Everywhere, etc are available in the market and are actively used by people to find out keywords, keyword trends, and content ideas. 


  • Competitor Research

 This is one of the underrated forms of research in digital marketing, but the most powerful tactic is to find relevant opportunities by researching their competitors. There are tools that allow spying on your competitor and their keywords.

Competitor Research



Keyword Research is an essential part of digital marketing and search engine optimization. It helps you understand what works and what doesn’t.  

“Keywords can either make or break a successful business” Use of the above-mentioned tricks can help you find potential keywords.



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Do you have a beautifully designed website with great content to share, but people can’t reach you just because your website wouldn’t rank? An organic search channel is an important factor to obtain new leads. That’s why it is crucial to improve your website ranking in search engines so people can find you more easily than your competitors and visit your website. That’s what Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is all about.

Whether you know the basics of SEO or you are a newbie, to boost your website ranking on search results, SEO needs to be at the top of your priority. This article will help you to understand the process to rank on the first page of Google and to. increase website traffic step-by-step. So, if you are still asking me, “How to Increase Website Ranking Position in Search Engines?” keep reading.


What Is A Search Engine Ranking?


search engine ranking

When you search for your website online, does it come as the first result on the result page?

The spot a URL takes on the result page of a search engine is referred to as Search Engine ranking. This is how search engines rank your website ranking in search results. A wide variety of factors determine a website ranking given to a web page; including the freshness of content, the trustworthiness of the site, and the page’s metadata. All these factors can be influenced by Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as well as purchase ads.

Links are listed from most relevant to least relevant results. The most relevant and top-ranked results will appear at the top of the first few results on the first page. However, relevant web pages that don’t rank as well will appear at the bottom of the first page, or on one of the search result’s subsequent pages. For example, a higher-ranked web page will appear in the number one spot, while a lower-ranked web page will appear in the number nine spot.

Most search results pages highlight ten URLs, along with purchase ads and other features listed on the first page. Every marketer has a goal to achieve the first spot on the search engine results.


High Website ranking positions are a good source of traffic

Higher rankings in search engines will attract more traffic through organic search channels. Higher page ranks in the results for a search query will increase the chance of the searcher clicking on the result. This explains how higher rankings and increased traffic are connected.

Search engine optimization (SEO) can influence search engine rankings. However, different search engines calculate their search results for keywords using highly complex algorithms. Factors like the number of backlinks; usage of keywords in the contents, descriptions, and texts; URL structure; the trustworthiness of the page; page loading time; time spent on the website and bounce back rate; how often the results are clicked by the searchers and so on are assumed to be closely connected to Boost up rankings.


Why Search Rankings are Important for Small Businesses?

According to a study done in 2015, 67 percent of all clicks go to the top five results on the search engine ranking and 95 percent of searchers don’t even look at the subsequent pages. So, “if you are not the first, you are last”. It is clear that businesses that Rank in the number one position on the first page of the search engine results are more likely to –

    • Increase in Profit
    • Increase in Sales
    • Increase in potential customers
    • Maintain brand visibility
    • Retain their ranking position
    • Keep ahead of the competition


Why Search Rankings are Important for Small Businesses

Nowadays people do not search for information in traditional ways. Instead of looking for news in the newspaper, going to the library, and reading books, they reach for a computer, a laptop, or a phone to browse the net. The Internet has become the most powerful medium to increase awareness, visibility, and growth of a business. When you leverage your small business with Artificial Intelligence (AI), search engine optimization (SEO) becomes transformative. This is how your business is found; this is how your business becomes visible.

SEO helps you to build brand awareness for your business as search engine users are more likely to trust a site that ranks high on the search engine result pages (SERPs).

Local business owners should utilize SEO to build a strong web presence, bypass competitions, and take their business to the next level.

The right online marketing strategies create amazing results for small businesses, and strategies like these can not only help small business owners generate revenues but also help them to bring qualified potential customers to their sites and provide better conversion rates.


How to Improve Google Search Ranking Step by Step?

Money alone can’t buy a higher ranking in Google searches. You will have to spend a dime to rank higher on Google.

Here are a few steps to help you improve your website rankings on Google:

    • Publish Relevant Content 

The quality of the content is the number one driver for your search engine rankings. The great quality of the content helps you to increase website traffic, which improves your site’s relevance and authority.

Publishes Relevant Content

Fine-tune your writing skills-

      1. First, make sure that your keyword is at the beginning of your title tag. This is because Google puts more emphasis on terms that show up early in your title tag.
      2. Second, make your content at least 1,200 words. According to a study average, Google’s first-page result contains 1,447 words.
      3. Finally, keep Keyword density up to 1%-3%

(Keyword Density = Total Keywords/ Number of words*100)

    • Optimize Keywords 

In SEO keyword optimization is important to discover the right keywords to drive the right traffic from search engines to your website. Keyword research helps you to find out the most searched and relevant keywords for your business.

Optimize Your Keywords


    • Match the Search Intent 

It is very important to match the user intent to keep the leads on your website. You must understand the three W’s – What, When, and Why, people are searching for specific content.

 Match Search Intent


    • Improve Page Speed 

Page load time is one of the key factors to ranking high. Make sure your site is as fast as possible to improve a good user experience and boost your search rank on Google.

 Improve Page Speed


    • Add Backlinks 

Backlinks are links coming from other sites to yours, such links from high domain authority sites help to bring traffic, establish authority and increase website rankings.

Add Backlinks


    • Fix Broken Links 

Quality links in your website content help to boost traffic, but broken links that show error 404 will affect your search rank and increase the bounce rate.

Fix Broken Links


    • Header Tags 

The use of H1 and H2 header tags makes the content more readable and user-friendly. The structural body of the content, and the use of optimized images, headings, and subheadings plays important role in improving the quality of the content, which is most influential in Google search ranking. The best pages are written for the user, not for the search engine.

Header Tags


    • Build Responsive website

Responsive web design is a “Game changer” right now. It will make your website mobile-friendly by improving its UI that automatically scales its content to match the screen size on which it is viewed. It solves many problems like resizing, scrolling, zooming, etc. The user-friendly design increases the amount of time spent by the visitors to your website. It also helps to improve your rankings in Search engines.

Build a responsive website


    • Optimize Local Search 

Nowadays people use their smartphones to reach for businesses “near me”. To get your business found; claim your Google My Business listing, provide relevant content in Google posts, get your business listed in local directories and improve your reputation online with good online reviews.

Optimize Local Search


    • Update the Content Regularly 

Regularly updated content is viewed more often by searchers. Audit your content on a set schedule and be sure to keep it fresh. It will also help you to increase the site’s relevancy.

Update the Content Regularly


    • Tracking and Monitor your Results 

Rank tracking is an important part of SEO workflow. It helps you to get information about how well your business stands in the market. Measuring the impact of your work and monitoring the ranking position in search engine results is an essential factor for SEO success.

Tracking and Monitor your Results

So that was a step-by-step guide to improving website ranking in Google search results. It is the best way to rank higher, but it’s not something you do once. It is an endless job.

Find opportunities… update content… monitor the rankings… track the traffic improvement… and REPEAT!

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In fact, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 55% of businesses last for five years and 20% of businesses can’t even survive for two years.


10 Tips On How To Start Your Local Business

Your planning process plays a key role in determining whether your business will last long or not. If your planning is correct your local business is bound to get success. Let’s discuss some best business tips on how to start your local business.

1. Conduct market research

Conducting market research is the first step toward starting a new business. Market research is critical to help you determine whether your business idea is really practical or not. Market research should include understanding customer behavior, economic trends, product demand, demographic data, market size, location appeal, and pricing. You can gather all this information through existing resources or by conducting surveys and meeting potential customers. After successful market research, you will be able to figure out who your target customer is and how to develop products and services that will sell comfortably.

Conduct market research


2. Write a business plan

Writing a business plan is never too early for starting your local business. A good business plan serves as a guide for every aspect of your new business. Whenever you are thinking of how to start a small business, a business plan is a must. Prepare a business plan to define your business, products, and services, and outline your goal, operating procedures, and competition. Make sure that your plan includes a marketing approach, so people are aware of what you are selling and how to find you.

Write a business plan


3. Create a budget

Your business plan will give you an estimate of how much money would be needed to start your business. Try to maintain a spreadsheet to estimate every expense you anticipate, including costs for overhead, production, and marketing. If you don’t have the required fund, you will need to either raise or borrow the capital.

Create a budget


4. Pick your Business Location

Selecting a business location is one of the most important decisions you will make. You’ll need to find the ideal physical location for your enterprise. This is where you’ll register your business, obtain the required permits and pay the taxes. One of the best business ideas is to pick a business location that is economically cheaper and can attract more people.

Pick your business Location


5. Choose a business structure

Choose a business structure that will suit your preferences. There are different business structures like a sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC), and corporation. It’s very important to choose a suitable business structure for you because it can impact taxes, personal liability, funding liability, and much more. You can consult an attorney or accountant if you are confused about making any decision.

Choose a business structure


6. Choose a name and register your business

Naming your business is one of the most challenging parts of becoming an entrepreneur. Your business name should be one that reflects your brand and captures your spirit. Have a brainstorming session where you can note down every name that comes to mind, then test your favorites with trusted mentors, friends, and colleagues to gauge their reactions and feedback. Take some time to decide your final name and go with it. After finalizing the name, it’s time to make it legal. Register your business with the concerned authorities to get benefits like liability protection, and legal and tax benefits.

Choose a name and register your business


7. Apply for licenses and permits

A legally compliant business will surely run smoothly. The licenses and permits you need for your business will vary by industry type, state, location, and other factors. The requirement and fees will depend on your business size and also the agency issuing the license or permit. Federal and state governments have different charge amounts for licenses and permits.

Apply for licenses and permits


8. Open a business bank account

You must open a business bank account for your small business. Also, it is very important to separate business finances from personal ones. Contact your bank about requirements prior to opening a business account. Having a business bank account is mandatory today because you can’t keep cash all the time and it’s very beneficial when it comes to the safety of your funds.

Open a business bank account


9. Get your business insured

One of the good business ideas is to get your business insured. Insurance protects your financial investment from unforeseen circumstances such as theft, customer lawsuit, or property damage. A general liability policy is sufficient for a small business but if your business is big and you have a good number of employees you should also opt for worker’s compensation insurance.

Get your business insured


10. Create an online presence

If you can afford to, try to have a website for your business. You can also promote your business online by using social media platforms. Your online presence will definitely help you gain some popularity and promotion.

Create an online presence

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Conversion Rate Optimization in B2B LinkedIn Marketing

In the past years, LinkedIn has changed a lot. Earlier LinkedIn was known as just a job portal website but now it has grown as a social media platform for professionals. You can use LinkedIn to find the right job or internship, connect and strengthen professional relationships, and learn the skills you need to excel in your career. You will also get to know conversion rate optimization. You can also use LinkedIn to organize offline events, join groups, write articles, and post photos and videos. LinkedIn has become so feature-rich that now it’s also a big platform for marketing especially Business to Business (B2B) marketing.

This article focuses on conversion rate optimization in B2B LinkedIn marketing. In fact, 80% of B2B social media leads come from LinkedIn. If you are a B2B business house looking to reach more leads, it’s time to start optimizing your ad campaigns to improve your LinkedIn conversion rate.


Why choose LinkedIn?

Do you know that the average conversion rate for LinkedIn ads is much higher than on other social media platforms? Let’s have a look at conversion rates of different social media platforms:

LinkedIn 6.1 %
Facebook 4.7 %
Instagram 3.1%
Pinterest 2.9%
Twitter 0.9%

platform and conversion rate

As you can see, LinkedIn contains the potential for you to earn more conversions if you do the right advertising. By looking at the conversion rate for LinkedIn advertisements, you will get to know what you can expect and achieve.


LinkedIn conversion types

It’s not that only conversion on LinkedIn is all about sales. Many businesses will use different types of conversion for their LinkedIn ads. On LinkedIn, you can earn different types of conversions like:

  • Completing forms
  • Downloading content
  • Registering for events
  • Making sales


How to do Conversion Rate Optimization in B2B LinkedIn Marketing?

Let us discuss in detail LinkedIn marketing strategy. For a better conversion rate in LinkedIn marketing, you need to have an effective strategy in order to successfully generate tons of warm leads and convert them into new business. Below are some points to consider:

  • Target the right people

Target the right people

To get more people engaged with your ad, you have to target the right people. It’s not very difficult to understand that people will click your ad only if they feel it is relevant to their profession or interest. Targeting the right audience is the best practice in B2B LinkedIn marketing strategy. Many businesses make the mistake of targeting the wrong people with their advertisements. As a result, LinkedIn shows their ads less.

Hence it leads to fewer conversions and higher costs per lead. To avoid this you should target people based on demographic information, career and professional interests, and more. Setting up the right audience will help you reach more people interested in your products, which will deliver a better conversion rate for your LinkedIn ads.

  • Create professional and creative ads

Create professional and creative ads

Creating professional and creative ads is a must in your LinkedIn marketing strategy once you have established your target audience. Advertisements and sponsored content appear in the LinkedIn newsfeed just like other posts. If you want to get people to stop scrolling and check out your ad, you need creative and compelling ad copy. The LinkedIn audience expects to see content, like industry news and posts about professional topics in their feed. The context of your LinkedIn ad plays a fundamental role in determining whether your audience engages with your ad. You can make your ad more attractive by using video or eye-catching graphics in it.

  • Test your ad copy

Test your ad copy

It’s always a good practice to test your ad copy first. If you are not testing your ad copy you might not get the best results for your business. Test your ads to get the most out of your LinkedIn advertising campaign. Create multiple versions of your ad and deliver them to different people. Monitor how your audience engages with the different ad types to see which one gathers the most engagement. That will help you to find out which version of your ad is best and will be your final lead generation ad.

  • Create landing pages that are informative

Create landing pages

Creating informative and relevant landing pages helps in improving LinkedIn conversion rates. A creative ad with a weak landing page won’t get people to convert. You need to keep the momentum going by creating an excellent landing page to go with your ad. Keep your landing page simple, clean, and easy to follow. Include all the essential details on your landing page to ensure your audience feels informed.

  • Ad content should be posted organically

post Ad content organically

If you are new to advertising on LinkedIn then you can try testing your ad copy as an organic post first. It will help you to see whether your ad copy connects with your targeted audiences or not. This LinkedIn marketing strategy can help you to determine if you should run a paid campaign with the same information or not. If you see higher responses to a post, you can promote that content and turn it into an ad. This strategy will be helpful for you in two ways. First, you can manage your ad budget efficiently, and second, you will have a real insight into the type of content that will get leads and engagement.

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How To Improve The SEO Of Your Website On Google Search

How To Improve The SEO Of Your Website On Google Search?

We all know that search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo are serving millions of users per day who are looking for answers to their questions or for solutions to their problems. Google alone has more than 3.5 billion searches per day. If you want your website to rank higher in Google searches you will need to play by Google’s rules and need to learn how to improve the SEO of your website. Top Google rankings are a pinnacle of online business prosperity.

As per the latest survey, the first result on Google gets 31.7 percent of all clicks while results on the second page receive just 0.78 percent of clicks. One of the best ways to ensure that you are making maximum use of your content is by improving your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. This article will focus on how to improve the SEO of your website on Google searches.


What is SEO and Why is it important?

SEO can be understood as a set of rules for optimizing your website so that it can achieve higher rankings in search engine organic results. Website SEO is the process to follow to increase the visibility of your website in search engines and get more traffic.

SEO is important for online business because it can keep you at a higher place on Google search, it improves the usability of a website, it helps in increasing your website’s trust among users, and it also helps to put you ahead of your competitors. If you have a website, blog, or online store, SEO can help you get free targeted traffic from search engines.

What is SEO and Why is it important?


Tips to improve the SEO of your website

Follow these suggestions to improve your SEO or improve your Google search ranking for your website:

1. Understand the Google ranking algorithm

To improve Google search ranking it is very important to know the Google algorithm. Google is a platform that constantly changes its algorithm and most of these changes aren’t publicly announced. Google usually shares major update announcements but the exact inner workings of the algorithm are still unknown.

The best knowledge we have of Google’s algorithm comes in the form of major updates like the content should be relevant and not copied, mobile compatible websites will get priority, websites should not use unnatural links to boost their rankings, etc.

Understand the Google ranking algorithm

2. Know your current search ranking

To improve your Google ranking, you should first need to know where you stand. There are many tools like Semrush which help to assess your rank. You can compare your SEO keyword ranking with your competitors here and find out where you have to improve your website’s Google ranking.

Know your current search ranking

3. Improve your page loading speed

Page loading time plays an important role in website SEO tactics. If your website load speed is low your ranking will get harmed as Google will recognize it very quickly. A slow website will also impact the way your website visitors engage with your pages. The latest research shows that 40% of visitors will abandon websites if the page takes longer than 3 seconds to load. So, it is extremely important to optimize both your page speed and server response time.

page loading speed

4. Create your content around a Primary keyword and relevant Secondary keywords

Understanding what keywords are best for your target audience and content type can help you build a strong content strategy to boost SEO. Your content should be written in such a way that it flows naturally. Primary and secondary keywords should naturally come up in your content so that you don’t have to stuff your content forcefully.

Create your content around a Primary keyword and relevant Secondary keywords

5. Improve site navigation

Search engines reward sites that provide a positive user experience. If site visitors cannot find what they are looking for, they will most likely leave your site. This will impact your bounce rate, time that visitors spend on your website, number of pages they view, and ultimately it impacts your search engine rankings.

To avoid this, keep your website easy to navigate. Developing a clear navigational structure will help visitors find what they are looking for in your site. The rule of thumb for navigation is to never make a page more than 3 clicks away.

Improve site navigation

6. Optimize your website for mobile devices

One of the important SEO tips is to optimize your website for mobile devices. That’s because over 60% of Google searches are coming from mobile devices. Google recognizes this aspect and ranks websites accordingly. If your site isn’t optimized for mobile devices, it’ll hinder the user experience, adversely affecting your Google ranking.

Optimize your website for mobile devices

7. Expand your Backlink portfolio

A big part of SEO strategy deals with backlinks and whether you are generating backlinks from high-authority sites. Backlinks increase the credibility of your website. All of your data claims should be linked to trustworthy and authoritative sources. A diverse backlink portfolio tells Google that your site is an authoritative source and that you are generating links in a natural way.

Expand your Backlink portfolio

8. Use effective header tags

Using effective header tags helps search engines understand your content better. Headers let search engines know what your content is about, and if you insert proper keywords into headers, the search engines will have an even better understanding of your content.

If your site is just a wall of text, it’s going to discourage people from spending a long time on it. Headers make everything look more appealing, which is always beneficial. By using effective header tags in your content people will love to read your content and spend more time on it, and subsequently, your SEO ranking will rise.

Use effective header tags

9. Optimize images

Optimizing images on your website is a good SEO strategy. Huge images can slow down your page loading time and will ultimately hurt your ranking. Resize or compress your images to optimize them. Image optimization helps your content rank higher on Google image search while also improving your site’s visibility.

Optimize images

10. Use clean URLs and Meta descriptions

Your URLs should be clean, focused, and optimized to get most of the search engine ranking results. Your URL should also include the keyword or keywords you are targeting. Meta descriptions must also be optimized to improve the SEO of your website. Keep them concise, clear, and unique.

Use clean URLs and Meta descriptions


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How To Build Your Social Media Presence For Engaging New Customers

Social media presence can be understood as a full accounting of an individual’s or company’s activity across all social media platforms. Social media presence includes posts, replies, or other interactions on all platforms by any person or company. Most companies have dedicated staff for social media tasks. In this article, we will discuss the importance of social media presence and how to build your social media presence for engaging new customers.


Why is a social media presence important?

As we all know that people nowadays are spending so much of their time on social media platforms, so advertising on these platforms will be very beneficial. A successful social media presence is very important for businesses because it allows communication with consumers directly. The popularity of social media is an efficient way to connect and get your message about your products or services to customers quickly and directly. Other benefits to build a social media presence for your company are as follows:

  • It establishes your company’s brand

    Every company needs a strong brand identity and social media can help with it. A company’s social media presence will help it to be in minds of customers.

  • It grows your customer base

    Social media presence expands the reach of your company to potential customers who did not know about you previously. Hence your customer base increases tremendously.

  • Helps in new product marketing

    Social media is a great platform to introduce and market new products. Your social media presence is an opportunity to increase anticipation for your product among consumers who have already shown interest in it.

  • Builds customer loyalty

    By interacting with customers on social media, you can work to increase their loyalty and create a positive impression of your company.


Why is a social media presence important


How to build your social media presence?

To get maximum benefits from social media platforms, you have to grow your reach among customers. Given below are some steps to follow to increase your social media presence:


1. Make sure you use the right platform for you

Depending upon your type of business choose the right social media platform for you. Trying to get famous on every platform is not necessary. Choose the right social media which will help to promote your business. This is a very important aspect of social media management. If you are stuck as to where to start, then put your focus on Facebook and Instagram as both platforms are the most used in the world.

2. Set your social media goals

You should set goals that are specific, measurable, relevant, and time-bounded. Set a goal of your choice. They may be long-term goals as well as short-term goals. For example, you can set a long-term goal of growing your Instagram followers count by 50% in three months or you can set a short-term goal of increasing your follower count by 10% every month.

3. Be Human

Gone are those days when brands promoted their products and services in a very boring and inhuman manner. In the modern age of transparency, people want to get to know your company on a more personal level. Many brands today crack jokes and talk to their followers in a very frank manner. The idea is to connect with your customers in a very human manner.

4. Focus on your content

Producing quality content is one of the important keys to growing your social media profile. If your content is good the conversion rates get higher, which means each new viewer is more likely to become a follower and a user of your products.

5. Create an editorial schedule

Creating an editorial schedule is a good practice in social media management. Maintaining a schedule helps to post your advertisement or any social media post in a proper and timely manner.

6. Keep it fresh

Don’t be that person who posts the same link over and over again. Audiences like to see fresh and exciting content that cuts through the competition. Try to create content that is bespoke to you and your business. The content should be fresh, and exciting and it should stop a reader from scrolling down and let them engage with you.

7. Respond to your followers

Respond to users who reply to your posts. It will increase your interactions as well as it will help in building loyalty. This is a part of social media management in which followers develop an attachment to your company’s products and services and promote your business for free.

8. Keep an eye on algorithms and updates

Most social media platforms are using some level of algorithm. If you can follow these algorithms and updates your social media presence will enhance drastically. For example, some platforms like Facebook give priority to visually engaging content over less visual content. You just have to follow the algorithm in such a way that your posts are most liked by customers and followers.

9. Always be with the trend

Always be up to date and be with the current trend. Brands always have something new to post or advertise if they keep an eye on current affairs, trending hashtags, or any latest meme.

10. Use tools to monitor your activity

There are many tools available online which can help you in identifying your top-performing content, performance trends, and many more. These tools will help you in determining whether you are heading in the right direction or not. The data analyzed through this type of tool can help you treat social media less like a guessing game and more like a science.


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How to promote small business in 14 steps

How To Promote Your Small Business In 14 Steps

Every business owner wants to put their products or services in front of their potential customers. And to get customers every business owner needs to promote his/her business. In this article, we will get to know how to promote your small business in 14 steps. For business owners, the ways that you can promote your business and attract customers have changed dramatically in the past decade. Earlier, this was a matter of deciding between a flyer, a brochure, a postcard, or an ad in the local newspaper. But in today’s digital era, the possibilities are endless.


14 Tips To Promote Your Small Business

Actually, more than half of all spending on advertising has now moved to online mediums. We are going to look at 14 incredibly simple yet highly effective ways to promote your small business in 2022. You can implement all of these without needing special expertise or significant investment.

1. Create a Website

Every business needs a website, no matter how old-fashioned your business or clients may be. A user-friendly and informative website can help you establish your business and ensure consumers can learn more about your product and services. You should optimize your website for both computers and mobile phones to make it easy for customers to find the information they need regardless of the device they use. Depending on the type of your business, you should have the following information available on your website:

      • Store operating hours
      • Location
      • Range of products and services
      • Contact number and email id
      • Customer contact form
      • Mission and values
      • History and background
      • Employee’s information


Create a Website


2. Create a Business Blog

Writing blogs will expand your website and enable you to connect directly with your customers. Blogs can also help to increase your search engine rankings. You can regularly write about business topics that relate to your product and services and encourage customers to leave comments or contact you for more details.

Create a Business Blog


3. Develop Social Media Presence

Nowadays almost everyone is active on at least one social media platform. Promoting your brand on social media is very effective if you continually create posts, which helps you regularly connect with consumers and gather more followers. Try to post something which includes information about discounts and offers, updates about new products, and fun and quiz content. This is known as social media marketing in which you can promote your business at a very low cost or budget.

Develop Social Media Presence


4. Connect with Your Community

Connecting with your community can help a lot because many communities help small businesses to grow up. These communities offer a low-cost way to spread information about your business like they can offer a strong customer base, spread your brand by word of mouth, and much more.

Connect with Your Community


5. Build relations with your vendors

Developing relationships with your vendors can provide several benefits. Your vendors can help you get some business partnerships because these local vendors have strong connections with other local businesses. If you have very good relations with your vendors they can help in your hard times also.

Build relations with your vendors


6. Get your business listed

To increase your ranking on search engines, get your business listed on major listing services. Listing on major listing services will help consumers find your business when they search for a specific term.

Get your business listed


7. Email Marketing

Depending on your market, sending emails to consumers is still a good option. Email campaigns can help to keep your products and services top of mind for your consumers.

Email Marketing


8. Press Releases

Whenever your business does something newsworthy, it is a very good practice to send it out for a press release to your local and regional news outlets. The press release is a powerful media tool to use to help generate publicity. You can also use websites for press releases such as PRLog and 24/7 Press Releases.

Press Releases


9. Influencer Marketing

Influencers are people who have a large follower base on social media like Instagram and also on YouTube. You can collaborate with these influencers to promote your business digitally. Influencer marketing can help to both grow your brand reach and offer sales incentives.

Influencer Marketing


10. Advertise on YouTube

Advertising on YouTube is a paid strategy that you can follow to promote your business. YouTube advertising can be an investment that pays off if it’s done in a proper way. You can advertise on YouTube by creating video ads that play before videos in relevant categories.

Advertise on YouTube


11. Form Partnerships

Partnering with a non-competitive business that serves the same clients can be a great way to promote your small business in your local area or network. Once you have established a relationship you can help each other to grow your respective businesses.

Form Partnerships


12. Sponsor Local Events

Even in today’s era of digital promotions, hosting or sponsoring events in your community is a great way to promote your business. Sponsoring or hosting local events will strengthen your connection with local customers.

Sponsor Local Events


13. Advertise Locally and Offline

You can also advertise on traditional platforms such as newspapers, magazines, radio, and television to promote your business if your budget is good enough.

Advertise Locally and Offline


14. Exhibit at Trade Shows

Trade fairs attract a mass group of buyers and sellers from every particular industry. If you can afford to get a slot in trade shows, go for it. It will showcase you in front of many industry leaders and will also help you get your business promoted to a large number of quality customers.

Exhibit at Trade Shows

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How To Start A Blog To Promote Product And Services

How To Start A Blog To Promote Product And Services

What Is A Blog?

A blog is an online journal or informational website displaying information in reverse chronological order. In a blog, the latest posts appear first and the older ones automatically go down. The purpose of a blog can be personal or business. Learn here how to start a blog as blogging for business can promote your product and services if you can rank your website higher in Google searches. In a new business where you are promoting your product and services, you rely on blogging to help you get to potential customers and grab their attention. The main purpose of a blog is to connect with potential customers and boost your traffic and send quality leads to your website.


How To Start A Blog?

Let us discuss in detail how to start a blog step-by-step. Here you will find all the guidance and tools you’ll need to start a blog:

1. Choose a blogging platform

To create a blog choosing a blogging platform is the first step. A good blogging platform is a must for publishing your content. There are several different sites available that suit bloggers. One of them is Wix. It is most recommended because it’s a good all-around blogging platform that satisfies most needs.


2. Select a hosting platform

After selecting your preferred blogging platform you have to choose a hosting platform. A hosting platform stores websites on a server under a unique address so that visitors can easily reach them. Consider a platform with good bandwidth, uptime, and customer support. Some popular options are:

    • BlueHost.
    • HostGator.
    • DreamHost.
    • GoDaddy

Select a hosting platform

3. Finding the right niche

If you want to start a successful blog it is very important to target specific customers through your blog. Try to write a blog keeping a specific audience in mind. Possible blog types range from fashion blogs to marketing blogs to food blogs and many more. Because there are lots of other blogs focusing on the same subjects, you’ll need a way to stand out while still writing about what you love. So, try to make a blog by narrowing down your interests and researching your audience preferences.

Finding the right niche


4. Select a blog name and domain

Selecting a blog name and domain is again very important when we are starting or writing a blog. You can create a blog name with your first name and last name or with your business name or you can also create a completely new one. Once you have decided on your blog name then you should choose your domain name. Typically, your domain name will be the same as, or at least influenced by, the name of your blog.

5. Set up and design your blog

Now, after getting equipped with all the basics for setting up your blog it’s time to optimize your blog design. Choose a good blog template for you and then decide which pages to include in it. Polish off your website with an attractive blog logo. The brand logo is another way to add personality to your site, and it’s an essential step if you want to start a blog that evolves into a recognizable brand.

Set up and design your blog


6. Choose unique blog topics

Brainstorm blog topics that suit your targeted audiences. Your topic should be such that your customers develop an interest in reading it.

7. Write your first blog post

Now, you are ready to create your first blog post. Engage your audience with an attractive title and use headers to make the content skimmable. Follow these steps:

Write your first blog post

8. Plan an editorial calendar

Creating an editorial calendar is a good practice to ensure you publish content consistently. It will let you hold yourself accountable as a writer and will ensure that you don’t deviate from your blogging goals. Search engines also take into account how frequently you publish when determining your site’s overall ranking. So, it will be good to publish your content at regular intervals.

9. Promote your blog

After you have done everything from starting a blog to publishing it, it’s time to promote your blog. You can promote your blog by sharing it on social media, by sharing it on other websites, participating in question and discussion sites, or investing in paid advertisements. The more you promote your blog you will get more audiences for your blogs and thus you will make a good amount of money from it.

promote your blog


10. Make money blogging

When you are quite an expert in writing blogs It’s time to take advantage of opportunities to monetize your blog. You can follow these ideas for earning money through blogs:

    • Money blogging through affiliate marketing
    • Display ads within your blog
    • Offer paid subscriptions to customers
    • Writing sponsored content for companies
    • Sell e-books and merchandise through your website
    • Provide consulting services.

Make money blogging

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how to get testimonials

How To Get Testimonials And How It Helps Build Trust For Your Small Business

What Are Testimonials?

A testimonial is a statement or review from a past customer that describes how a product or service helped them. Testimonials are usually written by ordinary customers who were asked to share their experience with any product or service. Testimonials are used in many ways like company websites, TV commercials, and product packing. Learn here how to get testimonials as customer testimonials are a popular strategy in advertising for businesses, especially when incorporated into a company’s website or social media pages.

They are different from reviews because reviews are generally unguided and are written directly by the customer. Testimonials help build trust and credibility with your customers, especially if they are used to overcoming skepticism.


Benefits Of Testimonials

Testimonials are a powerful tool for appealing to potential customers. Here are some benefits associated with testimonials:

    • Testimonials foster trust in the business

Testimonials help businesses build trust and faith with their customer base. Other customers are more likely to trust the word of a fellow customer than an advertising pitch from a brand. Customer testimonials are effective proof of your claims. They provide a deeper level of trust among the customers.

    • Customer relationships are improved

When you are asking a customer for feedback and publishing their recommendations the customers are feeling valued. By doing this company’s relationship with customers can improve a lot.

    • More relatable

Customers reading testimonials for any product find it very relatable rather than listening to brand advertisements. Customers can find it easy to empathize with the writers of testimonials and can imagine themselves using the same product. Adding a human element like testimonials to a marketing campaign is an effective way for companies to connect with the public.

    • Reduced cost

Customers who have used a product and are satisfied usually supply testimonials for free. The best and most trustworthy testimonials are often the ones that customers write in product reviews. A company that utilizes free testimonials may be able to cut down on advertising costs and hence reduce its marketing budget.


How to get testimonials for your business

Let us discuss some tips and points by which you can get testimonials for your business:

1. Provide a way for customers to give reviews

You should allow your customers to give their reviews of the product they have purchased from you. Ask your customers to leave a review, including by email, on the product’s receipt, or on your company website. To encourage customers to write reviews, you can offer a discount code, gift, or other bonus in exchange for a review. This is one of the best ways to get testimonials from customers.

2. Personal touch

You can contact personally your loyal and regular customers and invite them to provide testimonials for you. When doing so, be sure to acknowledge their support and tell them how much their reviews mean to the company. The customers are likely to appreciate your efforts and supply you with positive reviews.

3. Ask questions

Ask meaningful and good questions about your product. Ask “how” and “why” questions. These types of questions encourage the customer to explain in detail how the product has benefited them and why they would recommend it to others. Such types of questions from your side are likely to provoke meaningful answers that you can use for marketing purposes.

4. Provide incentives

Another idea to get testimonials from customers or clients is to offer incentives for those who provide testimonials. Customer time is precious and there is no problem giving your customers something in return for their time and opinions. A discount on a future purchase or a small free gift can help to a great extent.

5. Follow-up

Follow-ups are also a good option to get testimonials from customers or clients. Contact recent customers to ask for feedback, after any purchase or service. If they have received great service from your business, they will be likely to offer some great comments.

6. Edit and adapt the results

When using testimonials, it is important to preserve the customer’s authentic content. But you can edit testimonials for spelling errors, typos, or grammar mistakes. You can also shorten the testimonials to make them easier to feature in commercials or on product packaging.

What Should A Testimonial Include?

An ideal testimonial should have the following important elements:

  1. Customer’s name
  2. Date of testimonial
  3. Location of the customer or client
  4. Photograph of customer
  5. Name the product used by the customer

what should a testimonial include

Where To Use Testimonials?

Once you have got the testimonial you can feature it in several highly effective ways. Some of the most common options include:

    • Company’s website
    • Email newsletters
    • Product packaging
    • Television and radio commercials
    • Social media posts
    • Promotional videos


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